Camisens Inspiring Minds
~5 mins read

Bye-bye useState & useEffect: Revolutionizing React Development!

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Today, I want to show you an alternative for the useState and useEffect hook in React. (It reduces a lot of boilerplate codes)

Many developers continue to use the useState and useEffect hooks to update states, but I have not been fond of this approach. The issue is that it causes the component to mount, remount, and unmount simultaneously, leading to unexpected behavior. As a result, when logging something into the console, you may see the result repeated three times.

Introducing the useLoaderData Hook:

The useLoaderData hook is a custom hook in React that helps you load data into your component. It simplifies the process of fetching data from an API or performing any asynchronous operation.

When you use the useLoaderData hook, you provide it with a function that returns a Promise. This Promise represents an asynchronous operation that will fetch the data you need. Once the Promise resolves, the data becomes available to your component.

The useLoaderData hook handles the loading state for you, so you don't need to manually track whether the data is still loading or if it has finished loading. It provides you with a convenient way to access the data and also handles any potential errors that might occur during the data loading process.

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