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My Quiz

The My Quiz section allows users to manage and track quizzes they’ve been invited to participate in. This interface provides an easy way to view, filter, search, and sort the quizzes. Users can check quiz details, including quiz type, start and expiry dates, and their current participation status. Additionally, users can track their quiz progress and participation status.

Key Features

  • View Invited Quizzes: Access and review all the quizzes you’ve been invited to, categorized by their current state (Not Submitted, Participated, In Progress, Not Started, Invited, Not Participated).
  • Search: Quickly find specific quizzes by searching using keywords from the quiz title.
  • Filter: Narrow down the list of quizzes using filters like state (Not Submitted, Participated, etc.), type (Score-Based or Time-Based), start date, expiry date, tag and author.
  • Sort: Organize your quizzes by title, start date, expiry date, or state for easier navigation.
  • Track Progress: Monitor your participation status for each quiz.
  • Pagination: Navigate through multiple pages of quizzes easily.

Accessing the My Quiz Section

  1. Log In: Log in to access the quiz section.
  2. Navigate: From the explore menu, select the My Quiz option to view all your invited quizzes.


Searching Quizzes


Enter Keywords: Type part of the quiz title to search for it. The quiz list will automatically update to show only those that match your search query.

Sorting Quizzes

The sorting options allow users to arrange quizzes based on two criteria (Ascending or Descending)


  • Title: Sort quizzes alphabetically by title.
  • Question Count: Sort quizzes based on the question count.
  • Duration: Sort quizzes based on the quiz's total duration.
  • Max Score: Sort quizzes based on the max score.
  • State: Sort quizzes based on the state.
  • Expires on: Sort quizzes based on the expiry date and time.
  • Starts at: Sort quizzes based on the start date and time.
  • Author: Sort quizzes based on the author name.

Filtering Quizzes

Open Filter Options: Click on the filter button to show filter choices.


Select Filter Criteria: Choose the filters that suit your needs. Filters include

  • State: Filters quizzes based on their states and shows the total count of quizzes available for each state.


  • Start At: Filter quizzes based on their scheduled start date. Users can select a specific date or choose a date range to view quizzes that fall within that period.


  • Expires On: Filter quizzes based on their scheduled expiry date. Users can select a specific date or choose a date range to view quizzes that fall within that period.


  • Tag: Filters quiz based on tags and displays the total quiz count associated with each tag.


  • Author: Filters quiz created by selected authors and shows the total count of quiz for each author.


Clear Button


The clear button within the filter section allows users to reset respective section for that particular filter.

Apply and Clear All Buttons


Click the "Apply Filter" button to apply the selected filter changes. To reset all filter selections at once, click the "Clear All" button.

Filter Close Button

The Close button is used to close the filter panel without applying any changes. If filters have been selected but not applied, clicking the Close button will discard those selected filters and revert the quiz list to its previous state, displaying the quizzes as they were before the filter panel was opened.

Quiz Card Details


Each quiz card provides an overview of the quiz, including the following information

  • Title: The name of the quiz. when in In Progress or Not started state clikcing on the title redirects to "Quiz Answering" and in participated and Not Submitted sate clicking on the title redirects to "View Answers " once results are ready.
  • Description: A brief overview of the quiz.
  • Number of Questions: Total number of questions in the quiz (e.g., 4 questions).
  • Max Score: The maximum score achievable (e.g., 10 points).
  • Starts at: The scheduled start date and time of the quiz (e.g., 19-Oct-2024, 11:25 AM).
  • Expires On: The expiry date and time of the quiz (e.g., 20-Oct-2024, 02:30 PM).
  • Tags: The quiz-associated tags will be displayed, the user can click on a tag name to view the full list of tags within the card.
  • Author: The name and handle of the quiz creator.


  • Score Obaitained: This is shown for the quiz that has been participated by the user, Displays the score obtained by the participant and total

Quiz States

Each quiz card is categorized by its current State

  • Not Submitted: The quiz has ended, but the user hasn’t submitted it yet.
  • Participated: The quiz has been completed, and answers have been submitted.
  • In Progress: The quiz has been started but not yet finished.
  • Not Started: Users have been invited to the quiz but haven’t started it yet.
  • Invited: Users are invited to participate but the quiz hasn’t started yet.
  • Not Participated: The user didn’t participate in the quiz before expiry.