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The Participant Dashboard provides a clear overview for participants, allowing them to quickly access essential information. It includes visual summaries of quiz performance, making it easy to track progress. This guide outlines how participants can use the dashboard, including adding, editing, resizing, and deleting charts, as well as accessing more detailed information when needed.

Quick Info Charts


Quick Info Charts offer straightforward visual summaries, giving participants a quick view of key metrics such as quiz type, the number of invitations, and more.

Adding Quick Info Charts

Participants can easily add more charts to the Quick Info section to display the most important details.

Step 1: Click on the Manage Quick Info button in the top-right corner of the Quick Info section.


Step 2: In the menu that opens, click on the + ADD button.


Step 3: A pop-up will show a list of charts, participants can add. Click the Plus (+) button next to the desired chart.


Step 4: After selecting the needed charts, click SAVE to add them.

Removing Quick Info Charts

To clean up the Quick Info section, participants can remove any charts that are no longer needed.

Step 1: Click the Customize button at the top-right corner of the dashboard.

Step 2: Click the X button in the corner of the chart to remove.


Step 3: Confirm by clicking Remove when prompted.


The chart will now disappear from the Quick Info section.

Report Charts

Report charts provide participants with more detailed information on different areas. These charts help participants dive deeper into the data.

Adding a New Report Chart

The participant can add new report charts to their dashboard to display specific data in a useful format.

Step 1: Click the Manage Reports button at the top-right corner of the dashboard.


Step 2: In the menu that opens, click on the + ADD button.


Step 3: A list of report charts will appear. participants can search or scroll through the list to find the desired report.

Step 4: Click the Plus (+) button next to the selected report.

Step 5: Choose the chart type (such as Pie Chart or Bar Chart) and the date range that fits the participant's preference.


Step 6: Click SAVE to add the chart to the dashboard.

Editing a Report Chart

If a participant wants to make changes to a report chart, such as updating the data shown or changing its appearance, they can do so easily.

Step 1: Click the Customize button in the top-right corner of the dashboard, click on Manage Reports, and edit the button.


Step 2: Click the Edit (Pencil) icon on the chart to modify.


Step 3: A list of report charts will appear. participants can search or scroll through the list to find the desired report.

Step 4: Choose the report and type of chart, and click on change.


The chart will now be updated with the new changes.

Resizing Charts

Participants can resize any chart on the dashboard to make it larger or smaller, depending on their needs.

Step 1: Hover over the chart to resize and click on the Resize button in the corner of the chart.


Step 2: The chart will expand or shrink to the new size.

Step 3: Click the Resize button again to return the chart to its original size.

Deleting Report Charts

If there is a report chart a participant no longer needs, it can easily be removed from the dashboard.

Step 1: Click the Customize button in the top-right corner of the dashboard, click on the Manage Reports, and click on the Edit button.

Step 2: Click the Edit (Pencil) icon on the chart to modify.

Step 3: Click the X button in the corner of the chart to delete.


Step 4: Click Remove to confirm, and the chart will be deleted from the dashboard.

Viewing Detailed Reports

Participants can view more detailed information from any chart on the dashboard.

Click on the title of any chart to open the detailed report.



Participants can reset the dashboard sections to their default settings by clicking the "Reset" button in the respective sections.
