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The document explains how participants can respond to invited quizzes, review their answers, and view the reports.


The participant must register with the ISU Camisens.


In the Quiz application, participants will find an "Explore" menu on the Quiz Home. This menu allows them to navigate to My Quiz.

The Explore menu is available in Quiz Home, My Quiz. This ensures that users can easily switch between different sections of the application, improving user experience.

Quiz Home

The Quiz Home Page serves as the central hub for users to manage their quiz activities effectively. It provides insights into upcoming quizzes, recent participation, performance metrics, and quizzes nearing expiration. The visibility of sections varies based on user roles, ensuring relevant information is presented to each user.

Key Sections

Quizzes for the Week


This section displays quizzes that the participant needs to complete, which are expiring within the week. Up to six quizzes are shown. For participants with more than six expiring quizzes, clicking the View More button will navigate to the My Quiz, filtered to show expiring quizzes.

Overall Performance


This section provides a summary of the participant's performance across all quizzes taken, including metrics such as

  • Total Participation Percentage: Reflects the proportion of quizzes completed out of those assigned.
  • Average Score Percentage: Displays the average score achieved in all quizzes.
  • Average Time Utilization: Indicates how effectively the allocated time for quizzes has been utilized.

This section only appears if the user has participated in at least one quiz.

My Recent Activities


This section summarizes the participant's recent quiz participation. It displays up to six cards summarizing recent activities, including quiz titles and participation dates. Each card contains relevant details about the quiz. Clicking View More navigates to the My Quiz, filtered to show all recent activities.

Upcoming Quiz


This section lists quizzes that are scheduled to begin but have not yet started. A maximum of six upcoming quizzes are shown. Clicking on View More will take the user to the My Quiz, filtered to display quizzes that will start soon.