
Once the seeker logs in, they can see a notification button in the navbar.


The seeker would be notified every time they successfully apply for a job or refer someone or is referred by someone.


The notification message would contain details like

  1. The content message depending on the notification type
  2. A button – when clicked takes to the detailed view.
  3. Time when the notification was received
  4. In three dots you get options to delete that particular notification.
  5. User Logo

Recent notifications wil be shown here, the seeker can click on the see all older notifications button to go to the notifications page.


Seeker would get to see different tabs under which they have notifications. The tabs may vary for people with different access rights.

The ‘All’ tab would contain notifications from all the tabs which has notifications present and the total count of the notifications each tab has is shown next to the title of each tab.

When the seeker switches the tab, the respective notifications related to each tab would be loaded. Click on the Clear All label to delete all notofications at once.