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In the summary, the creator can see a graphical overview of the responses for each question, including aggregated data for each question and group.

Feedback Information

The top header of the summary screen displays key information about the feedback.



Indicates whether the feedback is public or private. A globe icon represents public feedback, while a lock icon signifies private feedback.


Complete title of the feedback.


Specifies whether the feedback is generic or associated to a specific service within Camisens. If associated , the title of the associated service will be displayed and if generic a description about the feedback would be shown.


This button shows the completion status of feedback participants and reveals a panel with a detailed list of both completed and pending feedback participants when clicked.



Status - "All"

  • Initially, the "All" tab is selected, presenting an alphabetical list of all invited participants, regardless of whether they have completed the feedback.
  • For participants who have not yet completed the feedback, the list shows the date they were invited along with a "Resend" button, allowing the creator to re-invite them.
  • For participants who have completed the Feedback, only the completion date is displayed.

Status - "Pending"

  • When switched to the "Pending" tab, the panel displays a list of participants who have not yet completed the feedback.
  • A "Resend" option is available for all participants in this view, facilitating easy follow-ups.

A search bar at the top of the panel allows for live searching of participant emails, making it easy to locate specific individuals.

End of List Notification

When the end of the participant list is reached, a message stating "No more participants available" is shown, clearly indicating the conclusion of the list. This panel provides a comprehensive and user-friendly interface for managing participant engagement and ensuring higher completion rates for the feedback.

Reference Id

The Reference ID is a unique identifier assigned to each feedback, allowing for easy differentiation and tracking of individual feedback sessions.

Total Questions

Displays the total number of questions from all groups in the feedback.


This section displays the name of the feedback's creator. Clicking on the author's name navigates to their profile.


This dropdown menu provides options to download the complete feedback. If there are any downloads already in progress or queued, the dropdown will also display the "Download Status" option, allowing users to monitor the progress of these downloads.


Within the feedback, questions are organized into groups, each displayed in a card format below the progress bar. While each group can contain any number of questions, the total number of groups is limited to a maximum of seven.

The progress bar provides an indication of the current group and allows creators to navigate back to or revisit previously viewed groups.

Beneath the progress bar is the Question Group Name and a download option to download that particular group's data.


If the feedback is linked to any Camisens service and trainers have been assigned, the same question will be presented for each trainer. The responses provided for each trainer will be individually captured and recorded, ensuring that feedback is specific to each administrator's role or performance.


Question wise summary

  • Question Title: Displays the title of the question being reviewed.
  • Participant Count: Shows the number of participants who have answered the question.
  • Question Type: Indicates the type of the question (e.g., Yes/No, Multichoice question, Rating, etc.).
  • Last Aggregated: It displays the last date time the question's responses were aggregated.

The graphical representation of responses varies depending on the question type. Below is how different question types are visually presented:

Yes/No and Like/Dislike


Labels: The respective labels ("Yes/No" or "Like/Dislike") are shown on the left.

Horizontal Bar Chart: A horizontal bar chart is plotted based on the percentage of responses each option received. The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of responses for each option by the total number of participants who answered. Additionally, the actual response count for each option is displayed.

Single and Multiple choice


Labels: Different options are shown as labels on the left side.

Horizontal Bar Chart: A horizontal bar chart is plotted, similar to the Yes/No and Like/Dislike types, based on the percentage of responses each option received out of the total participants who answered. The response count for each option is also shown.



Labels: The maximum character limit of the descriptive question is divided into three equal segments. If the character limit cannot be evenly divided, the last segment will have a slightly larger limit. These segments are shown as labels on the left.

Horizontal Bar Chart: The bar chart is plotted to reflect the percentage of responses falling within each segment, based on the total number of participants who answered, with the response count displayed.



Max/Min Values: The maximum and minimum values provided by participants from among all the responses are displayed.



Labels: Respective ratings are shown.

Vote Count and Percentage: The count of votes each rating received is displayed alongside the percentage of total responses.

Overall Feedback Average (Rating Type Only)


This will be applicable only if the question type is rating and all questions from all the groups are of the same question type. The average of them would be calculated and shown as above.

Applicability: This applies if all questions across all groups are rating-type.

Calculation: The average rating across all question groups is calculated and displayed.


Detailed View: When the creator clicks on this section, it collapses to reveal a complete doughnut graph that shows the average rating for each group and the overall average.

Group Level Average (Rating Type Only)


Applicability: This applies if all questions within a group are rating-type.

Calculation: The average rating for the group is calculated and displayed.


Detailed View: Clicking on this section collapses it to display a complete horizontal stacked bar graph, showing the average of each rating within the group.

These graphical presentations and calculations provide a detailed and visually intuitive summary of feedback, allowing creators to easily interpret and analyze the data across different question types and groups.

Participant Responses Panel

When the "Participated" button in each question is clicked, a response screen will be displayed, showing all the responses given to that particular question by all participants. If the feedback is linked to a Camisens service and administrators were assigned, the name of the respective administrator will also be shown alongside the responses.



The creator can perform a live search of responses by entering keywords from the participant's name or email. This helps in quickly locating specific responses.

Sort By


This option allows users to sort responses based on three criteria. By default, feedback is sorted by Title in ascending order.

  1. Recent (Ascending or Descending) - Sorts by recent response.
  2. Email (Ascending or Descending) - Sorts response by the email of the participant.
  3. Name (Ascending or Descending) - Sorts response by the name of the participant.


Creators have the option to download section-wise summaries by clicking the download button within each section or to download the entire feedback summary by selecting the "Download Feedback" option from the dropdown menu in the header.

Upon initiating a download, a request is generated, and the download status option becomes visible in the header dropdown. This status will display the number of completed requests relative to the total number of requests made.


Clicking on the download status option opens a panel beneath the header, which details the requests made.


Initially, the status will be marked as "In Progress." Once processing is complete, users will have the option to download the CSV file. The panel will display the group name along with the summary data text. If a complete summary request has been made, it will also be indicated in the same manner. The download button will show the file size and provide information on the request’s state concerning its dates.

For requests currently in progress, the requested date will be displayed. When the file is ready, the expiry date for the request will be shown. Once the request expires, it will be automatically removed from the list. Users can refresh the panel to view the latest status updates.

The downloaded file will be in ZIP format, containing a CSV file with detailed feedback and aggregated results as requested.

Next and Back Action Buttons


Next and Back action buttons are provided to facilitate navigation between different groups, allowing users to view all questions seamlessly.