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Submitted Feedback

The "Submitted Feedback" helps users manage feedback items that have been submitted for review. This includes feedback items that are posted for review, rejected, active, or expired. Each feedback item is displayed as a card containing essential information. The items are organized into pages, with easy navigation through pagination.

Key Features

  1. View Submitted Feedback: Access and review all feedback items that have been published and waiting for review.
  2. Search: Quickly find submitted feedback items using keywords or specific terms.
  3. Filter: Narrow down your submitted feedback items based on predefined criteria such as status or type.
  4. Sort: Arrange your submitted feedback items by title or submission date for easier navigation.
  5. Pagination: Navigate through multiple pages of submitted feedback items.

Accessing the Submitted Feedback Page

  1. Log In: Log into your account to access the Submitted Feedback page.
  2. Navigate: Use the explore menu to find and select the "Submitted" option.


Submitted Feedback Card Details


Each submitted feedback card contains the following information:

  • Title: The title of the feedback.
  • Privacy: Indicates whether the feedback is public or private.
  • Total Questions Count: The number of questions included in the feedback from different groups.
  • Submitted Date: The date when the feedback was submitted.
  • Status Label: Indicates the current status of the feedback (active, rejected, review, or expired).
  • Feedback Type: Specifies whether the feedback is "generic" (for all users to participate) or associated with a camisens service.
  • Training Title: If the feedback is linked to training, the title of the training for which the feedback is created.
  • Auto Invite: For training feedback, this indicates whether an automatic invitation email is sent to users upon completion of the training. Options are "Yes" or "No".

Viewing Submitted Feedback Detail Page

Clicking the feedback title takes the user to the detail page of the feedback.

Searching Submitted Feedback Items

  1. Locate the Search Bar: Find the search bar at the top of the page. img
  2. Enter Keywords: Type the title of the submitted feedback item you are looking for. The list will update to show only the submitted feedback items that match your search criteria.
  3. Advanced search option: Click on the customize button. An advanced search option will be shown to the user where the user can search by feedback title and training title. img

Sorting Submitted Feedback Items

The sorting options allow users to sort templates based on two criteria. By default, templates are sorted under "Recent" in descending order:

  1. Locate the Sort by: Find the Sort by at the top of the page.
  2. Select Sorting Order: Click on the Sort by bar to arrange the Feedback in ascending or descending order.


  • Recent (Ascending or Descending): Sorts feedback based on the recently submitted.
  • Title (Ascending or Descending): Sorts Feedback based on their title.
  • Participant Count(Ascending or Descending): Sorts Feedback based on number of participants.

Filtering Submitted Feedback Items

  1. Open Filter Options: Click on the filter button.


  2. Select Criteria: Choose the criteria you wish to filter by (e.g., Privacy, Type).

Privacy Filter:


Filters feedback based on its privacy and shows the total count of feedback available for each.

Type Filter:


Filters feedback based on its type and shows the total count of feedback available for each.

State Filter:


Filters feedback based on its state and shows the total count of feedback available for each state.

Auto invite Filter:


Filters training feedback based on its Auto Invite state and shows the total count of feedback available for each.

Clear Button


The clear button within the filter panel allows reviewers to reset their selections for that particular filter area.

Apply and Clear All Buttons


Click the "Apply Filter" button to apply the selected filter changes. To reset all filter selections at once, click the "Clear All" button.