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My Templates

The "My Templates" report provides users with a detailed overview of the templates they have created for feedback purposes. This report includes a variety of columns and filters that allow users to efficiently view, analyze, and manage their templates.

Accessing the My Templates Report


To view the "My Templates" report, navigate to the “Feedback” section in the menu and click on “My Templates.” This report will display detailed information about each template, with options to filter, sort, and download the data.

Report Columns


The report consists of the following columns:

  1. Title: Displays the title of the template, indicating the purpose or focus of the feedback form. The title is hyperlinked, allowing users to click and navigate directly to the detailed view of the template.
  2. Question Type: Lists the types of questions included in the template. Possible question types are:
    • Yes/No: Questions that allow respondents to answer with a simple "Yes" or "No."
    • Rating: Questions that require respondents to rate an item, typically on a scale (e.g., 1 to 5 stars or smileys).
    • Numeric: Questions that ask for a numerical response within a specified range.
    • Descriptive: Open-ended questions where respondents can provide detailed written answers.
    • Objective (MCQ): Multiple-choice questions that allow single or multiple selections from a set of predefined options.
  3. State: Indicates the current status of the template. The possible states are:
    • Active: The template is published and can be used for feedback.
    • Draft: The template is still being developed or edited and has not been finalized for use.
  4. Author: Identifies the creator of the template, typically showing the name of the individual who created the template.
  5. Last Updated: Displays the date and time when the template was last modified.
  6. Question Count: Reflects the total number of questions included in the template.
  7. Usage Count (All Versions): Indicates how many times the template has been used across all feedback forms, providing insight into its popularity and application.

Adding Filters


Filters can be applied to narrow down the list of templates based on specific criteria. The available filters include:

  1. Question Type: Filter templates based on the type of questions they contain (Yes/No, Rating, Numeric, Descriptive, Objective).
  2. State: Filter templates by their current status.
    • Active: View templates that are published and ready for use.
    • Draft: View templates that are still in development.

Applying Filters


To apply filters:

  1. Click on the filter drop-down menu for the desired column.
  2. Select the filter type (e.g., Question Type, State).
  3. Once a filter is selected, an input field will appear where you can specify the filtering criteria.
  4. After selecting the criteria, click on the “Search” button. The report will update to display only the templates that meet the applied filters.
  5. If no filters are applied, the complete list of templates will be displayed.

Removing Filters


To remove applied filters:

  1. Click on the red cross button next to the applied filter to remove it.
  2. To clear all filters and revert to the original state, click on the “RESET” button. This will remove all filters and display the full list of templates.

Customizing Table View

Users have the ability to customize the table view by adjusting column settings:

  • Resizing Columns: Users can extend the width of columns to view complete data.
  • Rearranging Columns: Columns can be rearranged using drag and drop them in the desired order.

Table filter

Filters can be applied to columns of a tabular representation of data.


Users can select the columns to be displayed on the tabular representation. The blurred column names cannot be unchecked as they are default columns. Users can uncheck the column names available to check/uncheck to filter the column names in the table.


Downloading the Report


Users can download the "My Templates" report for offline viewing:

  1. Click on the download button to reveal the available download options.
  2. To download the report as a CSV file, click on the "Download CSV" option.
  3. A request will be sent to initiate the download. Users can monitor the download progress by clicking on "Download Status."
  4. Once the request is completed, the CSV file can be downloaded by clicking the download button again.


Chart Views


Users can change the chart representations to understand the data. To change the chart representation, click on the chart selector button at the top right corner of the card.

Select one chart from the given options of charts

  • Template Status Summary helps users keep track total number of templates posted by users, categorized by their current state.
  • Template Question Type Summary offers a summary of the distribution of templates based on the types of questions.
  • Templates Used vs Total Count provides a comparison of the number of templates actually used versus the total number of templates available.