Feedback Participant List¶
In this screen, the feedback author can view a list of all the participants they invited to the feedback. The list includes the participants' current statuses, such as whether they have answered or are still pending. Additionally, the creator can download the responses of answered participants, providing an easy way to review and store the data for further analysis.
Feedback Information¶
The top header of the participant screen displays essential information about the feedback.
Indicates whether the feedback is public or private. A globe icon represents public feedback, while a lock icon signifies private feedback.
Submitted Date¶
The date when the feedback was submitted.
Represents the complete title of the feedback.
Specifies whether the feedback is generic or associated with a specific service within Camisens. If it is associated, the title of the associated service will be displayed and if generic a description of the feedback will be shown.
Ref Id¶
This is a unique identifier assigned to each feedback, ensuring easy differentiation, tracking, and retrieval of specific feedback data.
Indicates the date and time when the feedback will expire, after which no further participation will be accepted.
A short description of the feedback, it is applicable only to the feedback of generic type.
Full name of the feedback form author with an avatar which takes to profile.
Response Summary¶
Directs the user to the Summary, where an overview of the feedback and responses is available.
Invite Participants¶
Using “Invite Participants” , the creator can invite participants for feedback.
Filters & Sort¶
Creators can perform a live search for participants by entering relevant keywords from the participant’s name or username, allowing them to quickly find specific participants of interest.
The State Filter allows creators to filter participants based on their current status. It displays the count of participants in each state, making it easier to manage and review participants under specific categories such as "Participated" and "Not Submitted".
Sort By¶
This option allows creators to sort participants based on three criteria, either in ascending or descending order.
- Invite - Sort participants based on their invite date, with the most recently invited participants appearing first by default (descending order).
- Name - Arrange participants alphabetically by name.
- Participated - Sort participants based on their participating dates.
Participant List¶
The author can view various items in the list, which provide essential information about each participant
Participant Details¶
Name: Displayed with an avatar.
Username: Shown beneath the participant's name
Navigates to view answer screen.
Invited on¶
Displays the date and time the participant was invited to the feedback.
Once the participant completes the feedback, the status indicator "Participated." Upon clicking the submitted date and time will be displayed.
The author can download the full list of feedback participants by clicking the "Download All" button, or they can choose specific participants using the checkboxes in the list and then download only the selected ones. The text on the "Download All" button will dynamically update based on the number of selected participants.
The author can also download the responses of individual participants by using the download button in the list. These download buttons will only be visible to participants who have answered the feedback.
Upon initiating a download, a request is generated, and the download status option becomes visible. This status will display the number of completed requests relative to the total number of requests made.
Clicking on the download status option opens a panel beneath the header, which details the requests made.
Initially, the status will be marked as "In Progress." Once processing is complete, users will have the option to download the CSV file. The download button will show the file size and provide information on the request’s state concerning its dates.
For requests currently in progress, the requested date will be displayed. When the file is ready, the expiry date for the request will be shown. Once the request expires, it will be automatically removed from the list. Users can refresh the panel to view the latest status updates.
The downloaded file will be in ZIP format, containing a CSV file with detailed feedback and aggregated results as requested.
Pagination Overview¶
- Each screen displays up to 12 participants at a time.
- When the total number of participants exceeds 12, pagination controls will automatically appear at the bottom of the screen.
- Creators can click on individual page numbers to navigate directly to that specific screen of questions.
- A dropdown menu is provided, allowing creators to select a specific page number and jump to that page instantly.