Invite Feedback¶
The feedback admin can invite the participants using their email addresses. The feedback admin can create groups with participant emails which are used in different feedbacks of the admin. The feedback admin can invite the participant to feedback only when the feedback is in an active state.
Feedback Information¶
Basic information on the selected feedback is displayed as a header.
It includes the Title of the feedback, the unique reference ID of the feedback and the number of questions present in the feedback and author with avatar.
The feedback admin can invite new participants to the feedback by using the compose feature. It includes the management of mail signatures for the admin.
Admin can add email to compose in different ways. Admin can use up to 500 emails in one compose batch.
Direct Email¶
In this mode, the admin can give the email in a comma-separated format. If the duplicate emails are present they will be omitted while adding.
Use Group¶
Admin can search for existing groups and customize participants if it is required.
Use “ADD EMAIL” to append the select emails to the “Added Emails” field of the compose panel.
All validated emails will be added to the list. All invalid emails will be ignored and displayed to the admin.
Using “Clear All”, the admin can clear the list or remove one after another using the remove button “X” in each email or group. The emails added from the group are displayed with group notation with the selected group name.
Admin can create a group using the added emails by checking the checkbox. Admin must give the name of the group. The group will be created along with an invitation request.
The subject and message will be pre-filled. Admin can change the message and the subject according to needs.
The feedback admin can create both text-based and image-based signatures. Once it is created, the same signature can be reused in multiple feedbacks. The feedback admin can create up to 5 signatures
Add/edit signature¶
The feedback admin can add or edit the signature using the add-edit panel. The feedback admin can use multiline text or a JPEG/PNG image as a signature. The signature file size can’t exceed 200kb.
If the feedback admin selects an image the immediate preview will display the selected image
The author can change the picture by removing and selecting another image.
Preview signature¶
All available signatures for the feedback admin will be listed in the signature panel. Once the feedback admin selects the signature the preview will be displayed in the preview panel. The checked signature will be used while composing the invitation.
Delete Signature¶
The feedback admin can remove the signature using the delete action in the manage signature panel. A confirmation will be prompted before permanently deleting the signature.
Upon confirming, the signature will be deleted permanently
Once the admin fills in all the details, use “SEND E-MAIL” to send the email to the selected participant.
Feedback Association with Training¶
If feedback is associated with a specific training, the feedback admin can invite only those participants assigned to that training.
Inviting All Participants
- The "Send Invitation to All Assigned Participants" toggle is available to invite all participants of the associated training. It also shows the total number of participants associated with the training.
- When this toggle is active, the invitation will be sent to all the associated participants.
Selective Invitation by Search
- When the toggle is switched off, a search bar becomes available, allowing the admin to invite specific participants.
- Using the search bar, the admin can find participants by email and add selected individuals to the invitation list.
The feedback admin can view all the sent batches in the sent section. Admin can perform group sending the invitation at batch level.
Filter - Search¶
The admin can find the participant by searching keywords in emails. All sent batches will list if any of the email is matching with admin given keywords.
Admin can sort the results in two different options. Both options support ascending and descending order
- Recent - Using the invited time of the participant
- Email - Using the email of the participant
Resend Batch Invitation¶
Admin can resend the invitation to the batch participants using the “Resend” button. The invitation email will be sent to all the members present in the batch.
View Batch Items¶
Admin can select a particular batch and view the emails present in the Sent list. It shows the overall completion rate and number of emails present and the last updated time. Use the “Resend” button reinvite the members in the batch.
Each list item has the following data
- Email of the participant
- Status - Shows the status of the participant
- Last updated - Date and time of the last invitation sent to the participant.
Resend Invitation to participant¶
Admin can resend the invitation to a participant using the “Resend” button. The interval for each resend is limited by the camisens system admin.
Admin can search users using the email of the user.
State - Filter¶
Filter the emails using the state of the participant
Completed - Answer submitted to participants
Not started - The participant has not yet started answering
In progress - Participants answering the feedback, yet to submit
Sort by¶
Admin can sort the results into two different options. Both options support ascending and descending order
- Recent - Using the invited time of the participant
- Email - Using the email of the participant
Using the sidebar menu, the feedback admin can access the group section. All email group features are listed in this.
Create Email Group¶
Admin can initiate create a group from the “Compose”, “Sent” and “Group” tabs “Create Group” feature. Inside the group selection user can provide a name and emails for the group. Each group can have 500 emails.
Once the feedback admin gives emails in comma-separated format, the user needs to use the add feature to validate the emails. All duplicate emails will be omitted and invalid emails will not be added to the Added emails. To create a group, the user must add at least two valid emails.
The user can clear the final list using the clear all feature. Once the user saves the list it will be displayed in the group list.
Group List¶
The groups can be used between feedback invitations. Each list item shows the following information
- Name of the group
- Toggle button to make the group active or inactive. Once the group is inactive, it will not be listed in the compose view.
- Number of emails present in a group
- Last updated date of the group
- Edit/Delete action button
Admin can search the group by entering the name of the group or emails of group
The list will be updated based on the search results.
State - Filter¶
Admin can filter the group by filtering the state of the group.
Admin can sort the results into two different options. Both option support ascending and descending order
- Recent - Using the last updated date time
- Name - Using the name of the group
View Group Items¶
Admin can view the group item by selecting the group name from the list. Admin can search within group items using the search feature. It also shows the group name, state of the group and number of emails present in the group.
Using the delete button admin can remove members from the group. A confirmation dialogue will prompt before delete.
Once the user confirm, the email will be deleted permanently
Edit Group¶
Admin can use the edit button on the group list to edit the group. In edit, admin can modify the name and email present in the group.
Delete Group¶
Once the user uses the delete action from the group list, a confirmation dialogue will prompt for deleting the group.
Once the user confirms, the group will be deleted permanently.
Direct Link¶
Admin can share the feedback details with participants via social networks using the direct link feature. Copy button copies the URL into the clipboard.