Create Feedback¶
The Create Feedback is designed to provide a structured and flexible environment for crafting and managing feedback forms. This manual outlines the detailed workflow for creating feedback, including privacy settings, module selection, question creation, template mapping, and more. The objective of this guide is to enable feedback creators to effectively utilize the features of the module to gather relevant data and insights.
Privacy Selection¶
The creator is presented with an option to select the privacy settings for the feedback. This is a crucial first step, as it defines the accessibility of the feedback form to the intended audience.
- Private Feedback: Only invited participants will have access to submit feedback. This option is suitable for feedback that needs to be restricted to a specific group of users.
- Public Feedback: All users can view and submit feedback without restrictions. This option is ideal for general feedback that is open to all users.
Module Selection¶
Generic Module¶
If the Generic module is selected, the creator is presented with a set of fields that are standard for most feedback forms.
- Feedback Title: A descriptive title for the feedback.
- Description: A brief overview of the feedback’s purpose and objectives.
- Add Question Groups: The creator can organize questions into relevant groups for better structure and clarity.
- Add Tags: Tags are used to categorize and facilitate the search for feedback.
- Published By: The creator must specify whether the feedback is published by the author, the organization, or anonymously.
- Expiry Date or Offset Days: The creator can set an expiration date for the feedback or define a number of days after which the feedback will automatically expire.
Camisens Module¶
If the Camisens module is selected, additional options are available to the creator, particularly related to training sessions.
- Module Selection: The creator must choose the relevant module within Camisens, such as Training or Job. Currently, only the Training module is available by default, and it is selected automatically.
- Training-Specific Fields:
- Feedback Title: A descriptive title is required.
- Select Training: The creator selects the specific training session related to the feedback. If the creator has the right to manage training, additional options are provided.
- Associated Feedback Display: If any feedback is already linked to the selected training, it will be displayed below, allowing the creator to review or modify existing entries.
- Auto Invite Option: If this option is enabled, invitations will automatically be sent to participants as soon as the training is completed.
- Default Question Groups: Predefined question groups are available for selection, or the creator can create new groups.
- Add Tags: Tags assist in categorizing the feedback.
- Published By: The creator can select whether the feedback is published by the author, the organization, or anonymously.
- Expiry Date or Offset Days: The creator can set an expiration date or define a number of days for the feedback to expire.
Note: For public feedback, the Camisens module and Offset Days option are not available.
Save and Continue¶
Once the details are completed, the creator can save the feedback by clicking “save and continue”
View Feedback¶
- Details: Contains information such as the feedback title, selected question groups, tags, description, expiry date or offset days, type, and privacy settings. If the Camisens module is selected, additional information regarding auto invite, trainers and training details is displayed.
- Action Buttons: An "Edit" button allows the creator to return to the previous section with all details pre-filled, while a "Delete Feedback" button triggers a confirmation popup for deleting the feedback.
Section Management¶
The creator can view the first section header, along with a "Delete Section" button next to it. This button is only available if more than one section is present; if only one section exists, the delete option is disabled. The creator can also add questions to the section by clicking the "Add Questions" button.
Adding Questions¶
The "Add Question" interface offers a comprehensive set of tools for creating or selecting questions to include in the feedback form. The creator has access to three primary tabs within this section:
Create Custom Questions¶
The creator can create new questions by providing the following details:
- Question Title: The title or main text of the question.
Question Type: The type of question, such as Yes/No, Descriptive, Rating, Numeric, or Objective.
Yes/No Questions
Options: The creator can choose between "Yes/No" or "Like/Dislike" options.
Objective (MCQ) Questions
Multiple Selection: The creator can allow participants to select multiple options or restrict them to a single choice. Add Options: The creator can add 2 to 4 options for the participants to choose from.
Descriptive Questions
Maximum Character Count: The creator can set a limit on the number of characters participants can use in their response.
Rating Questions
Rating Scale: The creator can choose from 5-star, 10-star, smiley, or 10-scale rating options.
Numeric Questions
Minimum and Maximum Values: The creator defines the range within which participants can enter a numeric value.
Adding to Organization Repository
The creator has the option to add the newly created question to the organization's repository for future use. This helps in building a comprehensive question bank that can be reused across different feedback forms.
Pick from Organization Repository¶
The creator can pick existing questions from the organization’s repository. This section offers extensive filters to help the creator quickly find the relevant questions:
- Search by Keyword: The creator can search for questions by entering relevant keywords.
- Filter by Date: The creator can filter questions based on their creation or modification date, selecting from specific months and years.
- Filter by Question Type: The creator can narrow down the options by selecting specific question types such as Yes/No, Descriptive, Rating, Numeric, or Objective.
Pick from My Repository¶
In this section, the creator can select questions from their repository, which contains questions from the last five active feedback forms. Similar to the organization repository, this section offers filtering options:
- Search by Keyword: The creator can search for questions using relevant keywords.
- Filter by Date: The creator can filter questions by selecting specific months and years.
- Filter by Question Type: The creator can filter questions by selecting specific question types.
Recent Feedback Filter:
The creator can view and select questions from the most recent five active feedback forms. Once a recent feedback form is selected, only the questions from that form will be displayed. The creator can clear the selection to view all available questions.
Template and Trainer Mapping¶
The creator has the option to map templates or trainers to the question group, depending on the selected module.
Template Mapping¶
If the creator opts to map a template, the following steps are involved:
Searching for Templates:
Active Templates: The creator can search for active templates within the organization’s repository.
Template Suggestions: The system provides suggestions, displaying the template name, category, question type, question count, and author details.
View Template Details: The creator can click on the "View" button to see the template details before making a selection.
Saving the Template:
Once a template is selected, the creator clicks "Save" to add all the questions from the template to the section. The template title and edit options are then displayed on the section header.
Note: If a template is mapped to a section, the creator cannot add or delete any questions within that section.
Trainer Mapping (Camisens Specific)¶
For the Camisens module, the creator has additional options to map trainers to the question group:
Trainer Selection:
Search by Name or Email: The creator can search for trainers by entering their name or email address. Select All Option: The creator can select all listed trainers with a single click.
Saving Trainer Selection: Mapping Trainers: Once trainers are selected, the creator clicks "Save" to map the selected trainers to the question group.
Note: Trainer mapping is only available if the creator is creating feedback for the Camisens module and has the relevant rights to manage trainers.
Reordering Questions¶
The creator has the flexibility to reorder questions within a group. This can be done through a simple drag-and-drop interface.
Deleting Question Groups¶
If a question group is no longer needed, the creator can delete it by clicking the "Delete Group" button. A confirmation popup ensures that the action is intentional.
Publishing Feedback¶
Publish Feedback: The creator can publish the feedback form for review by clicking on ‘publish’.