Feedback Answering¶
In the feedback response process, users can submit their feedback on the question based on their personal insights and opinions.
Feedback Information¶
The upper section of the feedback response presents key information regarding the feedback.
Indicates whether the feedback is public or private. A globe icon represents public feedback, while a lock icon signifies private feedback.
Complete title of the feedback.
Reference Id¶
The Reference ID is a unique identifier assigned to each feedback, allowing for easy differentiation and tracking of individual feedback sessions.
Specifies whether the feedback is generic or associated to a specific service within Camisens. If associated , the title of the associated service will be displayed and if generic a description about the feedback would be shown.
Total Questions¶
Displays the total number of questions from all groups in the feedback.
This field will be displayed exclusively if the feedback is linked to a Camisens service. It lists some of the trainers associated with that specific service.
Displays all the tags related to the feedback in a panel. The button displays the total number of tags linked to that particular feedback.
Last Updated¶
This field indicates the date on which the feedback was most recently updated.
Day Offset or Expires On¶
The display varies based on the feedback’s privacy settings and creator’s choices. For public feedback, the expiry date is shown. For private feedback, it will show either a specific expiry date or a relative day offset, depending on what the creator selected.
Feedback Responses Overview¶
Within the feedback, questions are organized into groups, each displayed in a card format below the progress bar. While each group can contain any number of questions, the total number of groups is limited to a maximum of seven.
The progress bar provides an indication of the current group and allows users to navigate back to or revisit previously viewed groups.
Beneath the progress bar is the Question Group Name, which enumerates the various types of questions contained within that group.
The user can begin answering the feedback by selecting the title of the feedback card from "All Feedback," "Global Search," or the popular feedback section. Additionally, if invited, the user can access the answering page via an invitation link received by email.
Upon reaching the answering area, the user can start responding to the questions. They must complete all questions in the current section before moving to the next section.
If the feedback is associated with any Camisens service and trainers are assigned, the same question will be presented for each trainer, and the user must provide responses for all assigned trainers.
When feedback is associated with trainers, each trainer's questions will be organized under accordions. Initially, only the first accordion will be enabled, while the others will remain disabled and inaccessible.
As the user completes answering all questions for the first trainer, the accordion for the second trainer will be enabled, and this process will continue sequentially.
Users can always return to previous sections, review their answers, and make changes at any time before the final submission.
Feedback Continuation Confirmation¶
When users return to their feedback, a dialog will prompt them to confirm whether they wish to start from the beginning or continue from where they left off.
Choosing to start from the beginning will erase any previous responses and provide a fresh start, while opting to continue will take the user to the section where they last paused.
Next and Back Action Buttons¶
Next and Back action buttons are provided to facilitate navigation between different groups, allowing users to view all questions seamlessly.
Submit Action button¶
The "Submit" action button is located in the final section and completes the process of answering the feedback.