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All Tags Overview


The "All Tags" provides a comprehensive list of active tags that are utilized in feedback associated with the user, as well as tags from public feedback submissions. This serves as a central hub where users can view and manage the tags relevant to their feedback activities.


Users can perform live searches within the tag list by entering keywords into the search bar. As the user types, the system dynamically filters and displays tags that match the entered keyword, enabling quick and efficient tag retrieval.

Quick Navigator


All Tags features an alphabet navigation bar that allows users to quickly jump to tags starting with a specific letter. Each letter corresponds to the initial character of the tags listed below. If there are no tags beginning with a particular letter, that letter will be grayed out and will not be clickable. The "#" symbol is designated for tags that do not start with an alphabetic character.

Tag Listings and Feedback Count

Beneath each letter, all relevant tags starting with that letter are displayed, along with a count indicating the number of feedback instances associated with each tag. This count aggregates both private and public feedback that use the respective tags.

Following Tags

Users can choose to follow specific tags by clicking on the "+" button next to the tag. Following a tag ensures that the user receives tailored feedback recommendations associated with that tag. Additionally, followed tags will also appear in the "Tag Preferences" section within the user's settings.


Upon successfully following a tag, the "+" icon will change to a checkmark, providing a visual confirmation that the tag has been followed.


Clicking on a tag name redirects the user to the "All Feedback" screen with the specific tag filter applied, allowing focused exploration of relevant feedback entries.