This section can be utilized by the users to add any certificates obtained by the users to show case their capabilities.
Add Certificate¶
When the certification section is empty, Users can click on the blue certification button with plus icon button or the marked area to add the certificate.
If the certification section has certificates added, then user can click on the blue certification button with plus icon button to add a new certificate.
User must enter a ‘Course Name’ with less than 99 characters and can have multiple dots (’.’) with one space, and special characters like / . = - + * _ # are allowed (Mandatory field).
Enter the ‘Certified by' with not more than 80 characters, and it can only contain a-z, a dot and a single white space (Mandatory field).
Enter the ‘Credential ID' with not more than 100 characters, and it can only contain a-z, 0-9, (’.’), hyphen and underscore.
Enter the from date of the certification.
Attach certificate related document (If any). Attach only image or a pdf file with file size less than 3 MB.
Browse and select a valid file.
Once all the detail is filled, user can click on the “SAVE” button to save the certification details.
Edit Certificate¶
If the user wishes make any changes to the certificate detail, they can click on the edit icon as shown in the below image.
Search Certificate¶
When the certificates are more, it is hard to find a particular certificate, so user can click on the search bar to search for their certificate by course name or certified by.
After clicking.
Sort Certificates¶
Users can sort the certifications by clicking on the dropdown button and selecting a sort by category as shown below:
Selecting “Recent" will sort the list by the certificate added recently i.e recently added certificates will be at top.
Selecting “Course Name” will sort the list in alphabetical order of course name.
Selecting “Certified” will sort the list in alphabetical order of certified name.
Download Certificate¶
User can download a copy of certificate file that has been saved. To download the certificate file, click on the download icon.
Users can set the visibility of the certification by toggling on marked icon. Users can set it to private, if they do not want the certification to be visible to the other users. If they wish to showcase their certificates to other, they can set to public.
Delete Certificate¶
User can remove certificate if they no longer need it. User can click on the delete icon to remove the certificate.
A confirmation message pops up before deleting the certificate. Click on the “DELETE” button to confirm to delete the certificate. If user want to cancel to delete, then click on the “CANCEL” button.