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This User Manual contains information about Blog pages, their related features, and the blog community's functions.

This document describes how bloggers can write and browse for different blogs and view their saved blogs, search for blogs, and refer blogs to others.

Note: This page is not restricted to any organization-level controls, this blog pages are the same for all our clients (Organization, end users).


Users must register with the ISU Camisens to post and manage blogs. They can also view public blogs without logging in.

Blog Home Page

All users of the camisen’s can access the blog module using the following menu from the main menu.


There are three different sections on the blog home page those are:

This section shows the most trending blogs in camisens. The trending blogs will be updated based on the user interests on different blogs.


Top Bloggers

This sections show the blog author who has created most trending blogs at that period of time. Menu

Recent Blogs

This section displays the set of recent or latest blogs that are posted by the individuals.
