All Blogs & My Blogs
All Blogs¶
This page contains all the existing or available blogs that are present in the camisens system. The individual can click on the explore button and select “All Blogs” from the list to view all the available blogs in the camisens.
On the page, all the available blogs are displayed in the form of detailed cards, and on top of the page search bar, a filter, and a sorting filter are provided to access the blogs in the required way. Blogs posts are listed in pages, user can navigate through the pages using the pagination buttons.
The top of the All-Blogs page consists of:
- Search: To search specific blogs.
- Archive: To filter the blog based on the posted month and year.
- Filters: To filter the blogs based on the categories, tags, and authors.
- Sort by: To sort the blog posts based on the recently added and name.
The All-Blogs page contains active blogs in the form of cards containing the following information.
- Read time of the blog
- Category
- Name of author
- Published Date
- Title
- Short view of the description
- Total likes and comments on the blog
- Save button
- Report button
- Share button
My Blogs¶
My blogs contains all the blogs that are created by the logged in user. This include the draft, review, rejected and active state blogs. The cards listed In the my blogs contain the same information as the All blogs. The status of the blog post is added in card. Blogs posts are listed in pages, user can navigate through the pages using the pagination buttons.
My blogs shares same set of filters, except the author. It also contain the filter to show the blogs bases on it state.