Skill & Experience¶
This section is further divided into following subsections:
User can showcase an overview of their can professional qualification by adding resume.
Add Resume¶
Click on the title field and give a title for your resume file, which can be easy to understand. (Maximum characters for title field is 100. It is a mandatory field). Click on the dotted area “Browse File to Upload Resume”, browse and select your resume. (Upload resume of file type PDF with a maximum of 3 MB file size. It is a mandatory field).
After filling up the required fields click on the “UPLOAD” button.
Once the resume file is uploaded a successful message status is shown on top right corner of the page. The uploaded resume gets added at the left section.
User can download the uploaded resume file by clicking on the download icon.
Edit Resume¶
User can edit uploaded resume (Title and attachment) by clicking on the edit icon.
After the edit, click on the “SAVE” button to save the changes.
Changes successfully saved.
Delete Resume¶
User can delete the uploaded resume by clicking on the delete icon.
A confirmation message pops up before deleting the resume. Click on the “DELETE” button to confirm to delete the resume. If user want to cancel to delete, then click on the “CANCEL” button.
Users can add their skill set to define their capability in this subsection.
Add Skill¶
When the skill section is empty, User can click on the “+” icon or anywhere on the marked area to add the skill.
If the skill section has list of skills, then user can click on the pen icon to add a new skill
Input your skill name and select your proficiency level (Select one: Beginner, Intermediate, Expert) in the respective skill choose a domain (Select one: Technical, Functional, Soft skill). Once done setting up the skill, user can click on the “ADD” button to save the skill to the skill section.
Once done setting up the skill, user can click on the “ADD” button to save the skill to the skill section.
When the user finishes adding the skills to the list, they can click on “CANCEL” button.
Similarly, user can add multiple skill sets to the skill section.
Edit Skill¶
User can edit the skill list by clicking on the edit icon.
Delete Skill¶
User can remove skills from the list by clicking on the “x” icon on the skill name as shown in the below screen:
Skill removed from the list.
User can set the visibility of the skill section to public if they wish to share it to other users, else private if they don’t want the skill set to be visible to anyone except themselves. Visibility can be set by toggling between the lock icon as show below: Click on the marked icon to change the visibility to public:
Click on the marked icon to change the visibility to private:
Experience & Project¶
User can provide the information about his industry experience and projects they worked on.
Add Experience¶
When the experience section is empty, User can click on the “+” icon or anywhere on the marked area to add the experience details.
If the experience section has various experience listed, then user can click on the plus button to add a new experience
The following table describes the field constraints.
Tabel need to be added here
▪ Select current working status by selecting ‘yes’ or ‘no’. ▪ If user currently working in the company, provide the joining date (from date) of the company.
▪ If user is currently not working in the company, provide the joining date (from date) of the company and leaving date (to date).
After filling in the details, click on the “SAVE” button to save the experience information. If the user wishes to cancel the filled in Experience information, they can click the “CANCEL” button.
Edit Experience¶
If the user wishes to change the experience details, they can make the changes by clicking on edit icon.
Delete Experience¶
User can remove an experience which is listed in the experience section by clicking on the delete icon.
Deleting an Experience will delete the projects associated with that experience.
Add Project¶
A project detail can be added to the experience listed in the section. Users can add the projects they have worked on by clicking on the icon shown in the following figure.
▪ Enter the project name (Project name should less than 99 characters. Mandatory field).
▪ Select the start date of the project in from date and end date of the project in to date.
▪ Enter the client of the project (Client name should be less than 80 characters Mandatory field).
▪ Enter working location (location ID should be less than 99 characters).
▪ Users can write up a short description about their project in the description box (up to 1000 characters).
▪ Enter the project URL (if any). The project URL should be a valid one.
▪ Add the skills used to work in the project (project skills can be only added if it is listed in the skill section).
▪ Users can write up their roles & responsibility related to the project in the ‘Roles & Responsibility’ box (up to 1000 characters).
▪ Once done, click on the “SAVE” button.
The section looks similar to the following screen after saving the project.
Click on the "Hide Project" to hide the project details.
User can add multiple projects they had done by clicking on plus button.
Edit Project¶
User can make changes to the existing project by clicking on the edit icon.
Delete Project¶
User can remove the projects under an experience, clicking on the delete icon.
A confirmation message pops up before deleting the project. Click on the “DELETE” button to confirm to delete the project. If user want to cancel to delete, then click on the “CANCEL” button.
User can set the visibility of the experience and project to public if they wish to share it to other users, else private if they don’t want the experience and project to be visible to anyone except themselves. Visibility can be set by toggling between the lock icon as show below: